They did so without notice, are no longer answering their telephones, and have unlinked their database from the national registries.
Any pet with a Save This Life microchip cannot be connected to its owner. Shelters or animal hospitals will not be able to locate your information in an effort to reunite you.
There are several microchip registration options and we encourage you to find the right service for you.
We are familiar with AKC Reunite. They have supported ADS and our mission through donations. They have a one-time, lifetime registration fee of $22.95. They have 11,000,000 registered pets.
Due to the current microchip situation, AKC Reunite is offering a discounted price of $17.95 if registered by February 15, 2025.
For more information, please visit their website.
Founded in 1999, A.D.S. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operated 100% by dedicated, vetted, and trained volunteers. No volunteers receive compensation. A.D.S. has no paid positions or employees. Volunteers work tirelessly out of love for animals and their communities. All operational costs and shelter expenses are paid for through donations and grants.
A.D.S. volunteers actively participate in community events and HOA, POA, and residential presentations throughout the year, providing information pertaining to emergency and evacuation preparedness for pets and small domesticated animals.
When an evacuation order is issued, under the direction of Yavapai County Emergency Management, A.D.S. will provide a shelter for pets and small domesticated animals. Services are provided 24 hours per day, throughout the duration of the evacuation order.
To date, A.D.S. has provided shelter for more than 700 animals.
While in the care of A.D.S., pets are provided with a safe, secure, and clean environment, regular feeding schedule, physical activity, and social interaction.
There is NO cost to pet owners for the services provided by A.D.S. For businesses, shelters, and rescues, please contact A.D.S. at for a commercial agreement prior to seeking shelter services.
Post Office Box 10793, Prescott, AZ 86304